types of interjection
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types of interjections are:
- good! now we can celebrate the party.
- oh! what a surprise?
- hey! what's up buddy?
- yes! I can do it easily.
- no! I run so long.
- well! I have a good news.
- ouch! it hurts.
- wow! what a cool t-shirt.
- hurrah! we have won the match.
- what! have you lost all your money?
- alas! we have lost our great leader
- bah! that was a total waste of time.
- ah! it feels good.
- oops! I am sorry.
- hmm! you really need to be on a diet.
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An interjection is a word or expression that occurs as an utterance on its own and expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction.
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