Types of system in system analysis and design
Types of Systems
Physical systems are tangible entities. We can touch and feel them.
Physical System may be static or dynamic in nature.
Abstract systems are non-physical entities or conceptual that may be formulas, representation or model of a real system.
There are 4 types of systems analysis and classifications :
- Physical or abstract systems:
In operation, the tangible entities that may be static or dynamic are called physical systems and abstract systems are conceptual entities with no physical existence such as a formula of relationship.
- Open or closed systems :
An open system is a system that is very interactive with its environment ie it takes input and gives output frequently while closed systems are very isolated and are very rare in reality.
- Deterministic or probabilistic systems:
Deterministic systems outcomes are perfectly predictable while probabilistic st=ystems outcomes cannot be predicted at all.
- Man-made information systems:
. An information system provides the basis for interaction between the analyst and the user.