Geography, asked by harrypotter4, 1 year ago

types of vegetation in tabular form


Answered by SanjeevSikandar

Major Types of World Vegetation
Tropical and subtropical forests
Lowland evergreen rain forest and semi-evergreen rain forest
Tropical montane forest
Tropical cloud forest 
Monsoon forest and tradewind forest
Tropical and subtropical deciduous forest, thorn forest, and thorn scrub
Tropical hammock and subtropical hammock
Savanna (tropical grasslands)
Savanna grassland
Savanna woodland and parkland
Temperate grasslands
Desert grassland
Mediterranean-type scrub
Sclerophyll woodland
Open- and closed-scrub heathland
Cold and high elevation heathland
Wet and dry sclerophyll forest
Desert and desert-like scrub
Shrub steppe
Warm desert scrub
Fog desert scrub
Cool desert scrub
Salt desert and inland alkali-sink scrub
Temperate forest
Temperate summergreen deciduous and mixed evergreen-deciduous forest
Temperate rain forest
Temperate and montane coniferous forest
Cool temperate rain forest
Arctic and temperate alpine tundra
Tropical alpine
Marine and estuarine wetlands
Mangal (mangrove)
Coastal salt marsh 
Marine meadow and surfweed
Freshwater wetlands
Shallow lacustrine and upland meadow habitats
Freshwater marsh and herbaceous swamp
Vernal pool ephemeral
Sphagnum bog and related mire communities
Forested wetlands
Desert spring and desert oasis

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