Physics, asked by raj5832, 1 year ago

types of x ray in atoms


Answered by shaivaj67

X-ray Emission from AtomsInside the Atom

An atom has a nucleus, which contains particles of positive charge (protons) and particles of neutral charge (neutrons). Surrounding the nucleus of an atom are shells of electrons, which are small negatively charged particles. Each shell has a specific energy associated with it. Within these shells, the electrons move around the nucleus of the atom.

The ground state of an electron, the energy level it normally occupies, is the state of lowest energy for that electron. (Note that electron doesn't actually move about the nucleus in a circle. See The Quantum Story below.)

When an electron occupies an energy shell greater than its ground state, it is in an excited state. An electron can become excited if it is given extra energy, such as when it absorbs a photon or if collides with a nearby atom or particle.

An electron does not stay in an excited state for very long - it soon returns to the ground states. When it does so, a photon is emitted that has the same energy as the difference in the energy level between the excited state and the ground state.

So an electron moving from one energy shell to a lower one emits a photon of a specific energy. Since the energy and wavelength of the photon are related, we see this photon at a specfic wavelength in the spectrum. We refer to these as a "line" in the spectrum. Because there are many energy shells in any particular atom, there are many different possible energies with different initial and final values. When an atom is in an excited state, the electron can drop all the way to the ground state, or stop in an intermediate level.

Below is the optical spectrum for hydrogen. The distinct lines near 435 nm, 487 nm, and 655 nm show transitions from the 5th, 4th and 3rd energy shells, respectively, into the 2nd energy shell.

Click on image for larger version.

A hydrogen atom has one proton and one electron. That makes it easy to understand, and scientists can calculate exactly what energy the electron has in each shell. But hydrogen is also the least energetic element. Even the most energetic line hydrogen emits (when an electron drops down from the second shell to the first) has only enough energy to be an ultraviolet photon. So hydrogen atoms do not emit X rays.

So what elements emit X-ray lines? The more protons an element has, more energetic its lines can be. Carbon atoms (6 protons each) can emit X rays. But carbon lines are at the low end of X rays. Many X-ray instruments cannot detect these photons. Of the common elements in the universe, iron (26 protons) and oxygen (8 protons) usually are the two most prominent sources of X-ray lines.

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