English, asked by srujanpatwari, 5 months ago

18. Why did Ambedkar stress the importance of constitutional methods to achieve
social objectives?​


Answered by sandeepthetourist


On 26th January 1950, India will be an independent country. What would happen to her independence? Will she maintain her independence or will she lose it again? This is the first thought that comes to my mind. It is not that India was never an independent country. The point is that she once lost the independence she had. Will she lose it a second time? It is this thought which makes me most anxious for the future.

What perturbs me greatly is the fact that not only India has once before lost her independence, but she lost it by the infidelity and treachery of some of her own people.

please follow m my

jai hind

Answered by ann5863


1.Dr. Ambedkar was educated and groomed in the western and open society which believed in Equality, Fraternity, and Justice and the same was not at all acceptable and practicable in the Indian context.

2.He was born and brought up in British India which was dominated by the Caste Hierarchy. However, he was educated in the leading institutes of the world in the USA, UK, and elsewhere that made a deep impact on his mind.

3.Since he was highly educated, anglicized, and having spent most of his life in the developed countries, he expected that his motherland also must have been similarly developed and advanced.

4.When he returned to India and experienced the situation to be no better than what he had seen before going abroad, he concluded that probably the constitutional bindings might bring change in the condition of the social justice system in India.

5.Unfortunately, he is not alive to see how the constitution can be ineffective and out of place.


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