numer the allowing mount puck with the help ofclues given below
prins for a long time under proper conditions
Certain plants of the same kind grown on a large scale
machine used for cutting the matured crop.
berop that is also one of the pulses.
process of separating the grain from chair
Irrigation (1) is supply of water to crop plants at regular interval to meet their need of water which is not fulfilled by rainwater alone.
Harvesting of crop is followed by its storage (2) at proper dry place to ensure grain spoilage by moisture content and to prevent pathogenic infections (spoilage by rats, worms etc).
Plants of the same kind that are grown and cultivated at a place at large scale are referred to as crop (5).
Removal or cutting of mature crop is referred to as harvesting and is done using harvester (3).
The crops which are sown in the beginning of winter (October to November) are known as Rabi or winter season crops. Gram (4) is Rabi crop as well as is one of the pulses.
Winnowing (6) is process of separating the grains from chaff.