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For decades, the citizens of Mumbai have complained that street vendors are a menace to the city, blocking roads and pavements. Yet at the same time hawkers have flourished, largely because of a well-oiled system of haftas (weekly bribes) paid to the police, municipal officials and illegal rent collectors.
After almost three years of planning, last month the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation took its first steps to regularise street vending through licensing and creating designated hawking zones. In July, after surveying street vending practices for several months, the municipality began to distribute application forms for hawker licenses. By the end of the month they had distributed 1.3 lakh forms.
The Mumbai municipality stopped issuing formal licenses to street vendors 40 years ago, leaving a pool roughly 18,000 authorised hawkers. But Mumbai also has an estimated two lakh or three lakh unofficial hawkers.
The municipality's initiatives were prompted by two important pieces of legislation. The Street Vendors Act, which came into force in May, recognised the rights of hawkers and the need to regulate the informal industry. The National Hawker Policy of 2009 mandated that a city should have at least as many licensed hawkers as 2.5% of its total population. For Mumbai, this works out to three lakh vendors.
So far, the lack of a formal policy on hawkers, both in Mumbai as well as other cities in India, has resulted in a proliferation of street vendors in congested areas, widespread failure to maintain hygiene standards, and blatant corruption.