English, asked by sb375009, 5 months ago

unces 77 103
By Using a Noun/Nominal Clause
Tell me your address
We believe his word
And Ilmateat ades
It is obvious that Priyam is talented
I know his birthplace.
I hope to win the match
How it (AS)
Tell me why you did this.
Mother prayed for my recovery.
Listen to me.
He pleaded that he was innocent
I know your name.
Ano analosa Marian High )
I know your sister
Urmi admitted her mistake.
That he is happy is known to all.
Can you tell me the time?
ক যৌগিক বাজে।
The boy saw that a horse was galloping down the hilla
[New Apour autous She
By using an Adjective or Relative Clause
(10) I saw a blind man
Asaw a man che ce blind
O He was a powerful politician
The lady who praised me is a magician.
Jim inherited his grandfather's gold watch
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
har Collegiate School '18
Tell the truth


Answered by abiyajohnson3


1. That you cheated him is his complaint.

2. Do you know the time when the train will arrive?

3. It is certain that he will win.

4. That he is mad makes him more dangerous.

5. I don’t know whether he is innocent.

6. The consequence of his carelessness was that the game was lost.

7. Tell me where you have put my hat.

8. That we have been deceived is the truth.

9. It is difficult to understand the reason why he distrusts his own sons.

10. The fact that he is a great orator cannot be denied.

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