English, asked by srabantimakhal12345, 10 months ago

under line the sub clause in the flowing sentences and state what kind of clauses they are.

That you behave like this, hurts me.

My mother took me to a garden which was very beautiful.

The knight fought in a manner which was brave.

He walked on the path that was stony. ​


Answered by lugie


That you behave like this, hurts me.  

My mother took me to a garden which was very beautiful.

The knight fought in a manner which was brave.

He walked on the path that was stony.


Basically the Subordinate clause adds extra information to the Main clause.

the hint is....Subordinate clauses begins with these words "that, which, who, whom, whichever, whoever, whomever, and whose". They are called as relative pronouns.

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