History, asked by himanshupal72953, 9 months ago

under the British rule, what were the problems people hed to face?


Answered by himanshukumar9504273



Answered by sajal582033


At the end of two hundred years of British rule, Indian economy was subjected to the problems of low per capita income, unemployment, shattered structure of cottage and small industries, low capital formation, low level of investment, high birth and death rates and conservative attitudes of Indian people. All these problems had led to the stagnation, poverty and backwardness of the Indian economy.

Dr. Bipin Chandra has successfully analysed impact of the colonial rule in attaining development and modernisation of Indian economy. As per arguments of the British economists, the backwardness and lack of modernisation of Indian economy were mainly due to the existence of value system, i.e., spiritualism, asceticism, joint family system, the caste system and also due to shyness of capital in India.

But rejecting all these arguments, Dr. Chandra wrote, “It is a historical fallacy to assume that India under British rule did not undergo a fundamental transformation or that it remained basically traditional.” Whatever modernisation was attained in the Indian economy that was brought within the political parameters of a colonial economy.

Mr. Chandra further wrote, “It was, therefore, not an accident nor was it historically exceptional that India was integrated into world captialism without enjoying any of the benefits of capitalism, without taking part in the industrial revolution. It was modernised and underdeveloped at the same.”

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