English, asked by psingh49840, 6 months ago

Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences, and state whether they are
coordinating or subordinating.
1. I did not come because you did not call me.
2. Catch me if you can.
3. Is that story true or false? (
4. Tom runs faster than Harry.
5. You will be late unless you hurry.
6. He asked whether he might have a holiday.
7. He deserved to succeed, for he worked hard.
8. We can travel by land or water.


Answered by nishkarshyadav009


1. because suboor. 2. if Suboor. 3. that Suboor. 4. than suboor. 5. unless suboor. 6. whether suboor. 7. deserved suboor. 8. by suboor.


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Answered by sanjanashah1709

Answer: Underline the conjunctions in the following sentences, and state whether

they are coordinating or subordinating: -

a. Barley has failed but Ashok has passed.

b. He is poor still, people love him.

c. I know where you are going.

d. Work hard or you will fail.

e. I like her because she is honest.

f. I will do this if I am allowed.

g. Five and five make ten.

h. He is happy though he is very poor.

i. He seemed poorly groomed yet well-mannered.

j. I told her to leave, for I was very tired.


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