English, asked by falgun87689, 2 months ago

Underline the phrases in the following sentences and identify- them as noun phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase and preposition phrase
4.1 There I met a boy with red hair._________________
4.2 You can buy it in all places. ____________________
4.3 He replied in a very rude manner. _________________
4.4 He was a young man of great promise. _____________
4.5 He ran with great speed. ______________​


Answered by duttasangita928


Did I do the exercise correct, please?

Identify the kind of phrase.

1) He was a man of great wealth. Preposition phrase

2) The principal was an old man of friendly disposition. adjective phrase

3) The workers belonged to a tribe dwelling in the hills. adverb phrase

4) There I met a boy with red hair. adjective phrase


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