Underline the subordinate clause and circle the introductory conjunction in the following
sentences and specify the type of clause in the given blanks.
1. I shall take a long break once I finish this job.
2. lt is certain that he will not reach home in time.
3. Ganesh did not find his car where he had parked it.
4. Your grades will depend on how you perform in the finals.
5 She practised daily so that she could become a good dancer.
6 She didn't like the man who proposed to her.
7 Naresh had to sell his motorcycle because he needed money.
8. The students obeyed all the instructions the examiner gave them..
9. Komals sister, who is much older to her, looks smarter.
10. It is obvious who has done this mischief.
B. Complete the following sentences by adding the most appropriate clauses 1. I had reached school
2. The singing competition. is over
3. I have talked to my boss
4. It is quite obvious .
5 The book is written by a renowned author.
c Complete the following sentences by adding the most appropriate clauses.
1. Iwant to go to the place.
2. This is the dress
3. the students left the class.
4. Is that she always helps
the poor
5. I didnt wake you up.
D Aill in the blanks with the appropriate connectors from the given options.
1 You may buy. (whichever/whatever/whoever/what) sweet you like.
2. He kept on talking in the cass (unless/until/till/ since ) the teacher
sent him out of the class.
3. Please listen to- (that/what/if/as) I have to say.
4 I have been praying (that/which/when/since) my results come
out well.
5 (When/lf/As/Than) I come to know.
(that/as/when/which) you are lying, I will never trust you
ERearrange the following jumbled words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.
L the company/ so that/ the customer safely/ the merchandise/ packed/ it may reach
2. pleaded/ the lawyer/ he may/ that/ present the case/ be allowed to
3. the store/ is/ his kleptomania/1/ dont allow him/ the reason/ that
4. do not return/ I will/ my money/ in court/ if you/ file a case
5. the persons/ knows the/ nobody/ living there
E Match the main clause in the left column with subordinate clauses in the meaningful right column to make sentences.
1 I feel
a. as soon as she heard the news.
she was judged as the most beautiful woman.
am not well.
2. Gauri started weeping b. 3 Although she was not fair C.
4. The match had finished d. is not an insect.
5. A spider, which has eight legs, before we could reach the stadium.
Answered by
əstrɒnəməʳ ) Word forms: plural astronomers. countable noun. An astronomer is a scientist who studies the stars, planets, and other natural objects in space.
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