English, asked by prem2265, 9 months ago

Underline the verbs in these sentences and write T for transitive verbs and IT for
intransitive verbs.

1. The villagers draw water from the well.

2. The workers went home in the evening.

3. The audience was very responsive.

4. The detective solved the case successfully.

5. Nita and Veena study in the same class.

6. Janet is stitching a dress for herself.

7. The kitten is chasing the puppy.

8. The squirrel is busy gathering nuts.​


Answered by Prinishaa55


  1. Draw
  2. Went
  3. Responsive
  4. Solved
  5. Study
  6. Stitching
  7. Chasing
  8. Gathering

Hope this helps you

Stay happy and safe

Do mark as brainliest ✌️

Answered by gamerzmayank530


please f 4th rfujFj my dggsgsbdghmfmfhngd BFF GA by bhfnhnjfmhfngsbgsbhgxgdndgdgnhdnhdnd? gbgdnjgmjfnfacdvgsnhdndhbs FFS cdcfbdhufmnv xvnryygdn

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