unemployment scheme in Telangana ?
Name of the scheme Telangana Unemployment Allowance Scheme
Official website To be launched soon
Year 2021
Amount of Allowance Rs 3,016
Budget Rs 1,810 crores
Answer in below
There are many citizens in our country who are educated but still unemployed. For all those citizens the government provides various kinds of schemes. So that they can get employment. And if they are still not getting employment then the government provides allowance. Today through this article we are going to tell you about an allowance scheme launched by the Telangana government called Telangana unemployment allowance scheme. Through this article, we are going to give you complete details regarding Telangana unemployment allowance scheme like what is Telangana unemployment allowance scheme? its benefits, features, objective, eligibility criteria, required documents, application procedure etc. So if you want to grab every single detail regarding Telangana unemployment allowance scheme then you have to read this article very carefully till the end.