ung 10) keep sale Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow: A myth has been built around the Pelican, one of the oldest surviving birds. It is a commonly held belief that the mother feeds her chicks on her own blood. So people have regarded the Pelican as most affectionate and dutiful bird. The large bill of the bird makes it very easy to recognize it. It has a short tail shon legs long wings and a large bag under its bill Because of its webbed toes, the pelican finds walkin on the land difficult However, it is a delight to watch these birds in flight. The pelican has figured among tin largest of birds. It has a wing span of up to 2.75 meters, and weighs between 45 and 11 It lives in places with a moderate climate. It migrates to India Africa and Iran in win because its wings do not give sufficient protection against the cold. The brown pelican is smallest of the pelicans. It dives its head long into water from quite a height to get at sp The other six species of pelicans have a white plumage Pelicans are very sociable birds. They travel, rest. nest and even fish together. They pelicans take wing when they are about two months old. The nests of pelicans are far the source of any food. Therefore, the adults have to fly great diP
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