English, asked by sam2020jeff, 8 months ago

unhealthy eating habits ( article writing)​


Answered by Anonymous

bad eating habits

It’s not just willpower, or a lack thereof, that makes us overeat and gain weight. Sometimes, it’s that sneaky bad habit you developed without even realizing it, like dashing out the door some mornings without breakfast, or munching chips in front of your favorite TV show. The next thing you know, one little bad habit can equal out to a lot of weight gain. The worst part is, you might not even realize what you’re doing to your diet.

Here, quick fixes for some of the most common bad eating and lifestyle habits that can cause you to pack on pounds.

Cornell University food psychologist Brian Wansink, PhD, discovered that the larger the plate or bowl you eat from, the more you unknowingly consume. In one recent study, Wansink found that moviegoers given extra-large containers of stale popcorn still ate 45 percent more than those snacking on fresh popcorn out of smaller containers holding the same amount.

Answered by pritykumari39


Unhealthy Eating Habits Essay

Page 1 of 50 - About 500 Essays

The Importance Of Unhealthy Eating Habits

When I was younger I loved eating what I wanted. There were no limits. The worst that would happen would an upset stomach. I was young with a high metabolism, and weight gain never seemed to find me. But as you get older, eating habits must change. I learned that I can no longer eat how I use to when I was younger, and adjustments must be made. I can remember as a child, my grandmother taking me on our secret lunches to McDonalds. I would always order a Big Mac meal. That consisted of a Big Mac, medium fries, and soda. She would constantly say to me, “Boy, where does your food go?” I would always reply, “Granny I don’t know.” These secret lunches would happen around two o’clock in the evening. Then around six o’clock, I would often find my stomach growling again. My cousin and I, would make frequent runs to the candy lady. She…

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