English, asked by shindepankaj488, 9 months ago



The Solid State

After studying this Unit, you will be


The vast majortty of solid substances ike high temperature
supercornductors, bioconipaibie piastes, slicon dhips, etc. ure destrec
to plaiy an eter expar na IG rOle inyuture development of science.

describe general characteristics of

solid state:

distinguish between amorphous
and crystalline solids;
. classify crystalline solids on thie Fron our earlier studies, we know that liquids and gases
basis of the nature ot DInamg are called Jluids because ot their ability to flow. The
define crystal lattice and unit cell molecules are free to move about. On the contrary, the
explain close packing of particles: constituent particles in solids have fixed positions and
describe different types ot voids can only oscillate about their mean positions. This
and close packed structures:

uidity in both of these states is due to the fact that the

explains the rigidity in solids. These properties depend

calculate the packing etficiency ot upon the nature of constituent particles and the binding
different types ot cubic unit cells:

forces operating between them. The correlation between

correlate the density o a structure and properties helps in the discovery of new
substance with its unit cell solid materials with desired properties. For example


carbon nanotubes are new materials that have potential

describe the impertections n to provide material that are tougher than steel. lighter
solidsand their enect 0n than aluminium and have more conductive property than

correlate the electrical and Ppe uen materials may play an expanding role in
magnetic properties of solids and


nd tuture development of science and society. Some other
materials which are expected to play an important role
in luture are high temperature superconductors,
magnetic materials, biodegradable polymers for
packaging, biocompliant solids for surgical implants, etc.
Thus, the study of this state becomes more important in
the present scenario.
In this Unit, we shall discuss different possible

their structure.

arrangements of particles resulting in several types of
structures and explore why difterent arrangements ot
structural units lend different properties to solids. we

will also learn how these properties get modiied due to
the structural imperfections or by the presence of
impuritles in minute amounts.


Answered by chganesh2005


Only 5 points..........?

Answered by devanshmishra07


these points are vast ..

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