unitary operator drfinition and condition.
#mathematical physics
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Step-by-step explanation:
unitary operator is a bounded linear operator
U : H → H
on a Hilbert space H that satisfies U*U = UU* = I, where U* is the adjoint of U, and I : H → H is the identity operator. The weaker condition U*U = I defines an isometry. The other condition, UU* = I, defines a coisometry.
Definition 1. A unitary operator is a bounded linear operator U : H → H on a Hilbert space H that satisfies U*U = UU* = I, where U* is the adjoint of U, and I : H → H is the identity operator. The weaker condition U*U = I defines an isometry. The other condition, UU* = I, defines a coisometry.
Step-by-step explanation:
s \|^2 - \overline{\lambda} \langle U(\lambda x), U(x) \rangle - \lambda \langle U(x), U(\lambda x) \rangle \\
&= |\lambda|^2 \| x \|^2 + \| \lambda x \|^2 - \overline{\lambda} \langle \lambda x, x \rangle - \lambda \langle x, \lambda x \rangle \\
&= 0
Analogously you obtain
\| U(x+y)-(Ux+Uy)\| = 0.
The spectrum of a unitary operator U lies on the unit circle. That is, for any complex number λ in the spectrum, one has |λ| = 1. This can be seen as a consequence of the spectral theorem for normal operators. By the theorem, U is unitarily equivalent to multiplication by a Borel-measurable f on L2(μ), for some finite measure space (X, μ). Now UU* = I implies |f(x)|2 = 1, μ-a.e. This shows that the essential range of f, therefore the spectrum of U, lies on the unit circle.
A linear map is unitary if it is surjective and isometric. (Use Polarization identity to show the only if part.)
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