units of dimenstions and formulas
Base quantity Unit Symbol
Length Meter M
Mass Kilogram Kg
Time Second Sec
Electric current Ampere A
Derived SI units with Special Names:
Physical quantity SI unit Symbol
Frequency hertz Hz
Energy joule J
Force newton N
Power watt W
Pressure pascal Pa
Electric charge or
quantity of electricity
coulomb C
Electric potential difference and emf volt V
Electric resistance ohm \(\Omega\)
Electric conductance siemen S
Electric capacitance farad F
Magnetic flux weber Wb
Inductance henry H
Magnetic flux density tesla T
Illumination lux Lx
Luminous flux lumen Lm
Dimensional Formulas for Physical Quantities
Physical quantity Unit Dimensional formula
Acceleration or acceleration due to gravity ms–2 LT–2
Angle (arc/radius) rad MoLoTo
Angular displacement rad MoloTo
Angular frequency (angular displacement/time) rads–1 T–1
Angular impulse (torque x time) Nms ML2T–1
Angular momentum (Iω) kgm2s–1 ML2T–1
Angular velocity (angle/time) rads–1 T–1
Area (length x breadth) m2 L2
Boltzmann’s constant JK–1 ML2T–2θ–1
Bulk modulus (\(\Delta P.\frac{V}{\Delta V}\).) Nm–2, Pa M1L–1T–2
Calorific value Jkg–1 L2T–2
Coefficient of linear or areal or volume expansion oC–1 or K–1 θ–1
Coefficient of surface tension (force/length) Nm–1 or Jm–2 MT–2
Coefficient of thermal conductivity Wm–1K–1 MLT–3θ–1
Coefficient of viscosity (F =\(\eta A\frac{dv}{dx}\)) poise ML–1T–1
Compressibility (1/bulk modulus) Pa–1, m2N–2 M–1LT2
Density (mass / volume) kgm–3 ML–3
Displacement, wavelength, focal length m L
Electric capacitance (charge/potential) CV–1, farad M–1L–2T4I2
Electric conductance (1/resistance) Ohm–1 or mho or siemen M–1L–2T3I2
Electric conductivity (1/resistivity) siemen/metre or Sm–1 M–1L–3T3I2
Electric charge or quantity of electric charge (current x time) coulomb IT
Electric current ampere I
Electric dipole moment (charge x distance) Cm LTI
Electric field strength or Intensity of electric field (force/charge) NC–1, Vm–1 MLT–3I–1
Electric resistance (\(\frac{potential\text{ difference}}{current}\)) ohm ML2T–3I–2
Emf (or) electric potential (work/charge) volt ML2T–3I–1
Energy (capacity to do work) joule ML2T–2
Energy density (\(\frac{energy}{volume}\)) Jm–3 ML–1T–2
Entropy (\(\Delta S=\Delta Q/T\)) Jθ–1 ML2T–2θ–1
Force (mass x acceleration) newton (N) MLT–2
Force constant or spring constant (force/extension) Nm–1 MT–2
Frequency (1/period) Hz T–1
Gravitational potential (work/mass) Jkg–1 L2T–2
Heat (energy) J or calorie ML2T–2
Illumination (Illuminance) lux (lumen/metre2) MT–3
Impulse (force x time) Ns or kgms–1 MLT–1
Inductance (L) (energy =\(\frac{1}{2}L{{I}^{2}}\)) or
coefficient of self-induction
henry (H) ML2T–2I–2
Intensity of gravitational field (F/m) Nkg–1 L1T–2
Intensity of magnetization (I) Am–1 L–1I
Joule’s constant or mechanical equivalent of heat Jcal–1 MoLoTo
Latent heat (Q = mL) Jkg–1 MoL2T–2
Linear density (mass per unit length) kgm–1 ML–1
Luminous flux lumen or (Js–1) ML2T–3
Magnetic dipole moment Am2 L2I
Magnetic flux (magnetic induction x area) weber (Wb) ML2T–2I–1
Magnetic induction (F = Bil) NI–1m–1 or T MT–2I–1
Magnetic pole strength (unit: ampere–meter) Am LI
Modulus of elasticity (stress/strain) Nm–2, Pa ML–1T–2
Moment of inertia (mass x radius2) kgm2 ML2
Momentum (mass x velocity) kgms–1 MLT–1
Permeability of free space (\(\mu_o = \frac{4\pi Fd^{2}}{m_1m_2}\)) Hm–1 or NA–2 MLT–2I–2
Permittivity of free space (\({{\varepsilon }_{o}}=\frac{{{Q}_{1}}{{Q}_{2}}}{4\pi F{{d}^{2}}}\).) Fm–1 or C2N–1m–2 M–1L–3T4I2
Planck’s constant (energy/frequency) Js ML2T–1
Poisson’s ratio (lateral strain/longitudinal strain) –– MoLoTo
Power (work/time) Js–1 or watt (W) ML2T–3
Pressure (force/area) Nm–2 or Pa ML–1T–2
Pressure coefficient or volume coefficient oC–1 or θ–1 θ–1
Pressure head m MoLTo
Radioactivity disintegrations per second MoLoT–1
Ratio of specific heats –– MoLoTo
Refractive index –– MoLoTo
Resistivity or specific resistance \(\Omega\)–m ML3T–3I–2
Specific conductance or conductivity (1/specific resistance) siemen/metre or Sm–1 M–1L–3T3I2
Specific entropy (1/entropy) KJ–1 M–1L–2T2θ
Specific gravity (density of the substance/density of water) –– MoLoTo
Specific heat (Q = mst) Jkg–1θ–1 MoL2T–2θ–1
Specific volume (1/density) m3kg–1 M–1L3
Speed (distance/time) ms–1 LT–1
Stefan’s constant\(\left( \frac{heat\ energy}{area\ x\ time\ x\ temperatur{{e}^{4}}} \right)\). Wm–2θ–4 MLoT–3θ–4
Strain (change in dimension/original dimension) –– MoLoTo
Stress (restoring force/area) Nm–2 or Pa ML–1T–2
Surface energy density (energy/area) Jm–2 MT–2
Temperature oC or θ MoLoToθ
Temperature gradient (\(\frac{change\text{ in temperature}}{\text{distance}}\)) oCm–1 or θm–1 MoL–1Toθ
Thermal capacity (mass x specific heat) Jθ–1 ML2T–2θ–1
Time period second T
Torque or moment of force (force x distance) Nm ML2T–2
Universal gas constant (work/temperature) Jmol–1θ–1 ML2T–2θ–1
Universal gravitational constant (F = G. \(\frac{{{m}_{1}}{{m}_{2}}}{{{d}^{2}}}\)) Nm2kg–2 M–1L3T–2
Velocity (displacement/time) ms–1 LT–1
Velocity gradient (dv/dx) s–1 T–1
Volume (length x breadth x height) m3 L3
Water equivalent kg MLoTo
Work (force x displacement) J ML2T–2