Political Science, asked by omyasundriyal9a, 6 months ago

universal adult franchise is accepted by almost all countries in the world. However, there are many instances of denial of the equal right to vote. Explain with example


Answered by skpillai636


Although the universal adult franchise has now come to be accepted almost all over the world there are many instances of denial of equal right to vote.

Some examples of this are:

i) In Saudi Arabia women do not have

the right to vote.

ii) Estonia has made its citizenship

rules in such a way that people

belonging to Russian minority find

it difficult to get the right to vote.

iii) In Fiji, the electoral system is such

that the vote of an indigenous Fiji

has more value than that of an

Indian Fijian.

Answered by Priston029


Universal Adult franchise declare the power to every citizen above 18 of every caste religion tu to cast their vote to choose their representatives however this rule was not followed in the early days of independence where the higher class people were not encouraging to lower class people to vote.

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