Universal Adult Franchise is the right to the people.Name two countries and mention how they denied this right to their citizens
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The answer to the question- "Universal Adult Franchise is the right to the people.Name two countries and mention how they denied this right to their citizens" is-
Universal Adult Franchise
Universal franchise, general suffrage, and common suffrage of the common man ,gives the right to vote to all adult citizens, regardless of wealth, income, gender, social status, race, ethnicity, political stance, or any other restriction, subject only to relatively minor exceptions.
Universal Adult Franchise means all adult citizens have the right to vote .And no discrimination should be done . It is based on equality, which is a basic principle of democracy.
The two countries who denied Universal Adult Franchise to their citizens are- Estonia and Saudi Arabia.
Countries who denied of equal rights to vote-
Saudi Arabia.
In Saudi Arabia, women were not given right to vote, they remain in pardah and were barred to interfere in the political matters.
In Estonia has made its citizenship rules people belonging to Russian minority in such a way that they find it difficult to get the right to vote.