UNIVERSAL is coded in a code as
VRUILSANE. What is the code for
ABOLISHED under the same rule ?
The answer will be LSAODHEBI
Explanation: As bothe the words have same no. of letters u can change them accordingly
Hope it helps u
Mark as the brainliest answer
this question will be solved by marking index value of each alphabet present in the word
- so U N I V E R S A L
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
above should be read like : U has 1st position, N has 2nd position and so on..
- UNIVERSAL is written as VRUILSANE .
- in VRUILSANE all the letters that are present in UNIVERSAL is also present
- and with close observation we can make out that VRUILSANE is composed of letters of UNIVERSAL in random or jumbled manner
- for the word ABOLISHED, coded letter will be written according to:
first place will be taken by 4th letter = L
second place will be taken by 6th letter=S
third place will be taken by 1st letter=A
fourth place will be taken by 3rd letter=O
fifth place will be taken by 9th letter=D
sixth place will be taken by 7th letter=H
seventh place will be taken by 8th letter=E
eighth place will be taken by 2nd letter=B
ninth place will be taken by 5th letter=I
hence the code for ABOLISHED is LSAODHEBI