History, asked by GautamPrabhu8995, 4 months ago

Unless we have a castless society we cannot progress


Answered by 25kreidjen


Unless we have a casteless society, we cannot progress

Good morning everyone present; I am going to express my views in favor of the motion, ‘unless we have a casteless society, we cannot progress’.

I strongly believe there must not be any discrimination on account of caste, color, creed, and religion. Discrimination of any sort engenders distrust, indignation, and a sense of injustice among those who are discriminated. In this situation people who are discriminated against can’t give their best to the development and progress of any state or nation.

God created all beings with equal, love, and care. The entire creation is the expression of God’s love. But man created boundaries, differences, castes, creeds, and religions. He made biased rules and regulations according to his convenience. Such biases and discrimination afflict many societies, states, and nations. All such places where people are discriminated, the developmental programs have been undermined by unnecessary conflicts, civil wars and struggles.

The time has come when man must be treated as man; not as a person belonging to one particular community, caste, creed, color, or religion. It is true, unless all work equally, progress is impossible. We must all join hands to create a casteless, colorless, creedless, and equal society.Explanation:

Answered by shikha608


Nice thinking dear you are amazing. ❤️

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