unsaturated solu b) Gold is a molecule while carbon dioxide is an atom..c ffna heans have weak intermolecular
Examples of Saturated Solutions
Close-Up Of Hand Adding Chocolate Powder In Milk
Jose Carlos Barbosa / EyeEm / Getty Images
You encounter saturated solutions in daily life, not just in a chemistry lab. Also, the solvent does not need to be water. Here are some common examples:
Soda is a saturated solution of carbon dioxide in water. This is why, when the pressure is released, carbon dioxide gas forms bubbles.
Adding chocolate powder to milk so that it stops dissolving forms a saturated solution.
Salt can be added to melted butter or oil to the point where the salt grains stop dissolving, forming a saturated solution.
If you add enough sugar to your coffee or tea, you can form a saturated solution. You'll know you've reached the saturation point when the sugar stops dissolving. Hot tea or coffee allows much more sugar to be dissolved than you can add to a cold beverage.
Sugar can be added to vinegar to form a saturated solution.