Unscramble the following to make meaningful words related to the topic.
what is the topic of your question?
SOUETABL- Absolute
NCSIMOMUM - Communism.
YLARHOIGC - Oligarchy
ROCIATDT - Dictator
EOLPEP - People
CAOMNRH - Monarch
Absolute: A value/ principle that is considered as universally valid /is viewed sans relation to other things.
Communism: A philosophical, economic, political, social , & movement aimed at the institution of a communist society, specifically social and economic order based on the ideas of the shared ownership of the production means, as well as the absence of monetary, state & social classes;
Oligarchy: A power structure form of power structure wherein power rests with a few people. These people are distinguished by wealth, nobility, corporate, education, political, religious, or military control.
Dictator: A dictator is a political leader having supreme & absolute power and the the system of government under dictator is known as dictatorship
People: Human beings who make up a group/assembly/linked by a common interest.
Monarch: A monarch is a nation's sovereign state leader. A monarch can exercise the highest power within the state, or others can exercise that power for the monarch's sake.