English, asked by HyperComputer, 1 month ago

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.
Once upon a time, in a small country, people decided to find out what
it was that parents really liked the most about their children. A
competition was organised. It would use the latest invention of
Professor Crank-Shafte: the Gladometer. To date , Gladometer was
the machine that could measure joy and happiness. So, one by one ,
the children demonstrated their own particular talents to their
parents. The Gladometer faithfully measured their parents’
One boy turned up with a trained dog; the dog sang and danced. A
girl came and played the violin like an angel, and an intelligent boy
came and read his very big book. The parents’ happiness was plain to
Finally, a boy came to the Gladometer carrying nothing. When the
organiser asked what he was going to do, he simply said,” Nothing,
but I am very obedient.” On hearing this, the machine measured such
a high reading that it began to vibrate violently and finally exploded.
The boy had done nothing, but he won all the prizes that day for
solving the mystery of what pleases parents the most.

a. What was the latest invention of Professor Crank-Shafte ?
b. What did the children do to participate in the competition ?
c. Why did the boy win ? What does it tell us ?
d. Give the synonym of – demonstrate, vibrate.
e. Give the antonyms of – happiness, obedient.
f. Give a title to this story.


Answered by hkshop7


happiness was plain to


Finally, a boy came to the Gladometer carrying nothing. When the

organiser asked what he was going to do, he simply said,” Nothing,

but I am very obedient.” On hearing this, the machine measured such

a high reading that it began to vibrate violently and finally exploded.

The boy had done nothing, but he won all the prizes that day for

solving the mystery of what pleases parents the most.

a. What was the latest invention of Professor Crank-Shafte ?

b. What did the children do to participate in the competition ?

c. Why did the boy win ? What does it tell us ?

d. Give the synonym of – demonstrate, vibrate.

e. Give the antonyms of – happiness, obedient.

f. Give a title to this story.

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