unseen passage 7 grade
Books were quite difficult to come by for our forefathers. Our problem now is choosing what to read. There are many books, but we only read for a few hours each week. As a result, the decision becomes critical. We must exercise extreme caution when reading. There are books that poison our life by encouraging us to do bad things. We should keep them at a safe distance.
Books were quite difficult to come by for our forefathers. Our problem now is choosing what to read. There are many books, but we only read for a few hours each week. As a result, the decision becomes critical. We must exercise extreme caution when reading. There are books that poison our life by encouraging us to do bad things. We should keep them at a safe distance.
Only novels that have endured the test of time should be read. Our great classics, such as the Ramayana and the Gita, are examples of such works. They contain our sages' and saints' wisdom. From generation to generation, they have made a plea to humanity. Reading books like this has an uplifting effect on our minds and spirits. It brings us spiritual pleasure.
Q1. We should be selective because
(a) there is a great number of books available to us
(b) there is a scarcity of books
(c) there are only bad books on the market
(d) none of the above.
Q2. We should avoid those books which
(a) cost high price
(b) come in paperback
(c) corrupt our lives by suggesting evils
(d) come in more than one volume.
Q3. The books which have stood the test of time are called….
(a) great books
(b) rare books
(c) biographies
(d) classics
Q4. What is /are the special quality/qualities of classics?
(a) They affect our mind in a good way
(b) They teach us something great and also entertain us.
(c) They help us in our spiritual growth
(d) All the above.
Q5. An expression in the passage that means ‘good effect’ is
(a) Spiritual enjoyment
(b) Ennobling influence
(c) high ideals
(d) Very careful
1. (a)
2. (c)
3. (d)
4. (d)
5. (b)