English, asked by VedantPadmawar, 10 months ago


It is regrettable that the art of listening has become an undervalued and forgotten art. We clamour to be heard

and to receive attention. We forget that listening too is an important component to be effective communicator.

We must understand that communication is the key to every successful relationship and the best way to

understand a person is by listening to him.

A true listener is much more understood than a nonstop, compulsive talker. He learns more and does better

things in life. Good listeners do not suffer from loneliness and they have a positive energy that makes you want

their company. They are effective in their work as they know what needs to be done and how to do it. Listening

is, no doubt conscious effort not to let our mind wander while listening or ask an occasional question or

comment to recap what has been said. The narration or mere listening to the mantras which are repeatedly

chanted is soothing even to an unborn child.

So, we must try to listen. We can begin by listening to our parents, teachers, friends and even our enemies. It

will work a small miracle. And may be, a big one indeed.


When can a speaker understand that we are listening ?


Answered by sehajpalvirk07



Answered by vrundapatel25


your question is so confusing..

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