English, asked by linta54, 9 months ago

unto the day the evil thereof.
Rewrite the following sentences inserting the articles (a/an and the) wherever necessary.
a. Panama Canal connects Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.
b. Nile is river in Egypt; it is longest river in world.
c But for the revolution of earth and moon around sun we would not have day and night
d. Kalidasa is Shakespeare of India.
e. While she was reading Bible, her husband was playing piano.
f. Though I went to hospital day before yesterday, I could not see patient I wanted to see.
g. Mahabharata is greatest epic of Indian Subcontinent.
h. More you read more knowledgeable you become.
The Adjective
The adiective modifies the noun that is to
it dancrihal
un stile​


Answered by gautami33
a The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.
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