English, asked by AndreiBalan2000, 8 months ago

5 Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuous,

the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

1) Rachel ... (to meet) Den in front of the library five minutes ago. He ...

(to speak) to Alex about some project. 2) Sam and Monica ... (to skate)

together for four years before they ... (to enter) the competition. 3) When

Victor ... get) off the bus he ... (to decide) to phone his mother but

suddenly ... (to realize) that he ... (to forget) his mobile phone in the

hotel room. 4) The driver ... (to speed) down the road when suddenly an

old woman ... (to step) in front of the car. 5) Two men ... walk) through

the forest for five hours before they ... see) the house of the forest guard.

They ... (to be) hungry because they ... (not to eat) anything since last

evening. 6) Maggie ... (to look) for her gloves when the door ... (to open)

and her mother ... (to come) in. 7) Phil... (to wait) for twenty-five

minutes before Pamela ... (to send) a telegram and ... (to return) to the

car. 8) By the time Steve ... (to reach) the airport, Andrew and Nora ...

(already to receive) their luggage and ... (to have) coffee in a cafeteria

outside. 9) Linda ... (to phone) her dentist yesterday because one of her

teeth ... (to ache) for weeks. 10) When Tony ... (to arrive) at Tina’s place

yesterday, she ... (to read) a detective story which she ... (to buy) some

days before.


Answered by Radhika4371


Don't know ...........

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