Sociology, asked by akshayaponnapalli200, 16 hours ago

Usage of water without keeping in view about the future leads to non- availability of underground water for the future generation-Comment.
pls answer atleast 10-15 sentence​


Answered by prateekpandey1603201


Answer: Climate change is altering patterns of weather and water around the world, causing shortages and droughts in some areas and floods.

Answered by raghunathreddy561207


water is an universal solvent


if we will waste the water more and more

the next are unable to drink the sufficient water

so if we are digging the borwell for our usage

there wiil be no the question of water for future generations they need a suffer a lot and lot

so please don't waste the water unnecessarily

if we will save the it will save us water can solve a ennumber of problems of water

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