Use (a + b)2 = a + 2ab + b2 ((alb)2 = a? | 2ab | b2) to find
(1) 34 (2) 19 (3) 54 (4) 642
Step-by-step explanation:
Dear Sir,
I confirm my fax message sent yesterday regarding loss of my ____________ (Item Name) in your hotel. Now, I remember well that I left it on the reception counter in the lounge while checking out day before yesterday. I detected the loss as soon as I reached home and checked my luggage.
The ____________ (Item Name) is expensive and more so because it contains the film exposed to capture some very significant and memorable scenes and views and persons. I am sure the gentleman at the reception counter would have found it after my departure and kept it in safe custody.
If the ____________ (Item Name) is there, please send it by registered mail and I would send the money towards postage etc. Better if you can inform me on the phone about it as soon as you receive this letter.
I look forward to your telephone call.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely,
(Your Name)
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