use and abuses of social media essay 120 words
Social media, a great contribution to the society by modern technology but does it really helps us in someway or other? Let's see
On the February of 2004 Entrepreneur Mark Zuckerberg revealed the app called Facebook which was first of it's kind and soon the world went crazy for it. people began creating multiple accounts and started sharing their day to day lifestyle and different activities but after several years it was found out that it was stealing custmor data and was selling it to third party apps for money. The point is that what we think of these apps is not the reality.
Talking about the boons we can thank social media for awareness of citizens towards environment and the world around us , many people depend on the social media for their daily dose of internet. Today social media is a multi billion dollar industry in the market and
people are getting rich by many ways through them like they are getting paid by YouTube and adverts are paying money for their advertisements to be sponsored by social apps.
let's get back to the abuses apart from the data stealing one. Cyber bullying is one of many threats to the people involved in social media , people are getting bullied by the bad ones on the internet.
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