Use each word in sentences separately from any three of the following pairs to distinguish the meaning:(a) Heard:Herd,
(b) cell:sell,
(c) duel:dual,
(d) seen:scene,
(e) right:write,
(f) throne:thrown
Here you go!!
Mishu "heard" Ravin singing.
There were many "herds" and flocks.
"Cells" always renew themselves.
Rishka wants to "sell" her house.
Amish challenged Ravin for a "duel."
Ravin has a "dual" personality.
Amish has never "seen" Goa.
Rishka was at the crime "scene" when amish arrived there.
Amisha was "right" at her place.
Mishu will "Write" a letter to Amisha.
She is next in line for the "throne."
Ravin "thrown" the stone out of his room.
Heard: Have u heard something?
Herd: There were many herds and flocks.
Cell: The battery's cell is over.
Sell: Maybe it was time to sell the farm.
Duel: She knew of the duel and had come to speak about it.
Dual: The man often showed his dual nature.
Seen: Have you seen a shark in real life?
Scene: The movie scene was amazing.
Right: You are right.
Write: Teacher said write these words in your notebook.
Throne: Louis XVI left the throne in 1774.
Thrown: Chance had thrown us together at a skiing resort.