use Euclid's division algorithm to find the HCF of 196and38220
Reflexive pronouns are words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. They refer back to a person or thing. We often use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a verb are the same. I cut myself when I was making dinner last night.An RF module (short for radio-frequency module) is a (usually) small electronic device used to transmit and/or receive radio signals between two devices. ... This wireless communication may be accomplished through optical communication or through radio-frequency (RF) communication.
The finding of HCF of 196 and 38220 is solved in the below attachment. The quotient for by dividing 38220 by 196 is 195. It has been exactly divisible by providing the remainder as 0. 196 is the Highest Common Factor of the numbers 196 and 38220 by using Euclid's algorithm.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope it helps you mark as me brainlist drop thanks please