English, asked by DhruvKunvarani, 8 months ago

Use given prepositions to fill in the blanks:
of on in of of over on over on at to for to for of between since up of by since to at to in of to

Facebook is the world's biggest social network. It has_____nine hundred million users worldwide. And it
reported three point seven billion dollars____sales____last year. The company has been
privately held____two thousand four. That was when Mark Zuckerberg and several classmates____Harvard University staned Facebook as a business. But____May eighteenth Facebook
becomes a publicly traded company. That means its shares will be listed____the NASDAQ stock exchange
and sold____ the public. Interest____the stock has been building____Facebook
announced details____its initial public offering, or IPO, earlier this year. The IPO will make billionaires____the company's founders, including Mr Zuckerberg. Eduardo Saverin, a co-founder, has been strongly criticized____giving____his United States oftizenship. He will avoid a freen percent tax____the value____his shares____claiming____be a citizen____Singapore. This week, Facebook told the Securities and Exchange Commission that it wanted____increase the number____shares being offered____ ____four hundred twenty million. The company had earlier said it planned____offer three hundred thirty-seven million.
The starting price has been set
____ ____thirty-four and thirty-eight dollars -- also an increase. Now, some financial experts say Facebook could raise sixteen billion dollars, making it one____the biggest
IPOs ever.​


Answered by ateeb007
  1. Over
  2. On & Since
  3. Over
  4. Of
  5. In
  6. To
  7. To
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