Use the clues below to determine the unknown number:
All digits are different.
All digits are odd.
The digit in the hundreds place is three times the digit in the thousands place.
If 4 is subtracted from the digit in the ten thousands place we will get the digit in the thousands place.
The value of the digit in the ones place is the smallest.
If 4 is added to the digit in the ones place, we will get the digit in the hundreds place.
ur answer is here hope it helps u hope it is clear pls mark me as a brainliest
Step-by-step explanation:
please help me determine the unknown 5-digit number
a. all of the digits are different.
b. all of the digits are odd numbers.
c. the digit in the hundreds place is three times the digit in the thousands place
d. if 4 is subtracted from the digit in the ten thousands place,we will get the digit in the thousands place.
e. the value of the digit in the ones place is the least.
f. if 4 is added to the digit in the tens place, we will get the digit in the hundreds place.
The number is------------.
Found 2 solutions by MathTherapy, ramkikk66:
Answer by MathTherapy(9573) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
please help me determine the unknown 5-digit number
a. all of the digits are different.
b. all of the digits are odd numbers.
c. the digit in the hundreds place is three times the digit in the thousands place
d. if 4 is subtracted from the digit in the ten thousands place,we will get the digit in the thousands place.
e. the value of the digit in the ones place is the least.
f. if 4 is added to the digit in the tens place, we will get the digit in the hundreds place.
The number is------------.
The number is: highlight_green%2873951%29
You can do the check!!
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Answer by ramkikk66(644) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
Step 1. 5 digits are 1,3,5,7 and 9 (Clue a and b - since all are different and all are odd)
Step 2: 1's place has to be 1 (Clue e)
Step 3:
Difference between 100's place and 10's place is 4 (Clue f)
So 100's place has to be 7 or 9 (Cannot be 5 because that would mean that 1 is in the 10's place - but we already know that 1 is in the 1's place)
100's place cannot be 7 (Clue c - 100's place is a multiple of 3)
So, 100's place is 9 and therefore, 10's place is 5
Step 4:
1000's place is 3 (Clue c - 100's place is 3 time's the 1000's place)
Step 5:
Therefore 10000's place has to be 7 (It is the only remaining digit. Also, Clue d says that difference between 10000's place and 1000's place is 4)
So the final solution is:
1's place: 1
10's place: 5
100's place: 9
1000's place: 3
10000's place: 7
The number is 73951