use the following flow chart to write a paragraph (within 100 words) on how a school magazine is published point:- Essays stories poems sketches collected from students and teachers- edited by the editor - sent to press - proofs corrected - finally printing - cut into book froms - books bound - distributed among student teachers and others
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A good school magazine is used to express student aspirations, increase communication with parents and teachers, and as an advertisement for the school. It transmits the culture of the school and encourage a spirit of unity among students. A school magazine contains writings of the teachers and the students of a school. The publication of school Magazine is done in some processes. At first, a notice is put up on notice board for collection of essays, stories, poems and sketches from students and teachers. This collected data gets edited by the committee of senior teachers. Some additions, alternations and omissions are made. Then the title page and the content page are written. All the manuscripts are sent to the press for printing. After that, the proofs are read and corrections are made. The proofs are sent for final printing. At last, the magazine is printed in the form of book. The books are distributed among the teachers and students.