use the following flow chart write a paragraph on how newspapers are publisheduse the following flow- chart write a paragraph
(within 100 words) on how newspapers are published.
[press reporters colleet news - press photographers
take pictures -
news sorted and edited- types
set in machines
paper bolls inserted - news
printed - folded and cut - news paper ready
for distribution]
Can you add pictures of this chart if you can please.
Newspaper publishing
The newspaper publishing process begins with the news collection by the press reporters. Along with news collection, the press photographers also take pictures which are related with the collected news. Then the editorial department works on the sorting and editing of the collected news substances. After the work of the editorial department is done, the final version of the news is sent to the printing department for type setting in the printing machine. Then the paper is inserted in the printing machine and the newspaper gets printed in it's final form. At last the printed sheets of newspaper get cuts and folds as per the necessity. Finally, the newspaper gets ready for distribution.