PAPER IS MADE:- collect rags or torn clothes ---> cut into small pieces ---> wash and clean---> soak in bleach (3-4days) --->beat into pulp-> spread and lift in fine wire net trays--->drain out excess water---> overturn on blanket pieces---> dry in sun or heating chamber --->lift papers from blanket pieces---> dip in liquid gum ---> dry again and pack---> ready for market.
" How Hand made paper is made."
handmade papers are used to make some arts crafts and much more creative things the process of making handmade papers are easy or hard for preparing handmade paper rags and torn clothes are collected to cut into small pieces when it cut into small pieces the clothes are washed and cleaned out and put it into the the bleach to soak for 3 to 4 days after 3 to 4 days it hit repeatedly until it crashed then it spread and lift in in fine wire net trays for drained out the excess water it put on blanket pieces for overturn after all this process it kept in Sun or heating chamber for dry later the paper lift from blanket pieces and dip in liquid gum and dry again at last when it dry the papers are packed and ready for market.
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At first we collect some rags or torn clothes, then they are cut into small pieces , after cutting them in the required size, they are washed and cleaned thoroughly and are soaked in bleach for about 3 to 4 days. Now they are beaten into the pulp, which is then spread and lifted in the tray with net made up of fine wire so that the excess water is drained out. Then it is overturned on blanket pieces and dried either in the sunlight or the heating chamber, after which it is lifted from the blanket pieces and dipped in liquid gum, again it is dried and then finally packed. In this way handmade paper is made ready for the market.