Use the printf() statement and do the following :
• Print out the value of the integer variable sum Print out the text string “Welcome”,
followed by a new line.
• Print out the character variable letter.
• Print out the float variable discount.
Use the scanf() statement and do the following:
• To read a decimal value from the keyboard, into the integer variable sum
• To read a float variable into the variable discount rate
Use the printf() statement and do the following :
• Print out the value of the integer variable sum Print out the text string “Welcome”,
followed by a new line.
• Print out the character variable letter.
• Print out the float variable discount.
Use the scanf() statement and do the following:
• To read a decimal value from the keyboard, into the integer variable sum
• To read a float variable into the variable discount rate
I don't know
The standard output receives a prepared string from the printf() function (the display). Table lists the special control characters that this string can show, including new lines ('n'), backspaces ('b'), and tablespaces ('t').You'll discover how to utilize the functions scanf() and printf() to receive user input and display output to the user, respectively.
The integer variable sum's value should be printed. The word "Welcome" should be printed first, then a new line. the character changeable letter on paper.
The format is a string that starts with % and ends with a conversion character, and this function prints the character on standard output and returns the number of characters written (like c, i, f, d, etc.).
The roi variable was declared in the programme using the float keyword in the code below.
float rate of interest=10.00;
float roi;
%f is used as a format specifier to scan a float value. One of the often used functions in C programming to accept user input is scanf(). The scanf() function scans formatted information from the standard input—like keyboards—in a standardized manner. The most basic use of scanf is as follows:
scanf ("%d", &b);
To learn more about scanf(), visit
To learn more about printf(), visit