Use these weight ratio to illustrate a law of chemical combination .State the law in words
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Dalton's had postulated atomic theory among them third postulate is the law of multiple proportions, as per postulate the mass / mass fraction of one element combining with fixed mass of second element gives the whole ratio. In our case it is of three elements to be added to get a complete proportions, as per law of multiple proportions the weight of A and B are shown below,
Weight of A in gm = X+Y+Z = 0.5831 + 0.0180 + 0.3600 = 0.9611
in terms of whole fraction = 0.6+0+0.4 = 1.00
Weight of B in gm = X + Y+Z = 0.4200 + 0.0200 + 0.5200 = 0.96
Answer is "Law of multiple proportions"
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