useful and harmful effects of fertilizers and manure on soil (under at least 100 words)
Plants require a number of soil nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and
sulfur for their growth. But, soil nutrient levels can decrease over time
when crop plants are harvested, as nutrients are not returned to the
soil. Hence, these essential nutrients needs to be compensated either
through the natural process of decomposition, when plants die and
decay, and the nutrients extracted from the soil return to the soil or by
the easy means of adding fertilizers.
Fertilizers are substances used to add nutrients to the soil to promote
soil fertility and increase plant growth. Today fertilizer has become
essential to modern agriculture to feed the growing population. Use of
fertilizers, especially, the chemical fertilizers has brought in blessings on
humanity, which helped contain hunger and death in different corners
of the world. Though chemical fertilizers increase crop production; their
overuse has hardened the soil, decreased fertility, strengthened
pesticides, polluted air and water, and released greenhouse gases,
thereby bringing hazards to human health and environment as well. It
has already been proved how chemical fertilizers pose serious challenges
to the balanced and sustainable growth. Accordingly, scientists and
researchers are seen arguing in favor of organic fertilizers as the best
solution to avoid soil pollution and many other threats to environmentand life caused by overuse of chemical fertilizers. Since salt content is
one of the most critical characteristics of chemical fertilizers; they are
expected to be harmful to agriculture in the long run as salts are harmful
for plants as well as soil. Continuous use of these chemical fertilizers
depletes essential soil nutrients and minerals that are naturally found
in fertile soil. When we use chemical fertilizers; they do not help
replenish soil nutrients and its fertility contrary to the popular belief; but,
replenish only nitrogen, potassium and phosphorous. And we know
phosphorous does not dissolve in water and its overuse may cause
hardening of soil. Likewise alkaline fertilizers like sodium-nitrate
develop alkalinity in soil reducing its fertility and making it barren. So to
say; soil fertility and vegetation depend much on the balanced supply of
essential nutrients and minerals. As such, overuse of specific nutrients
may cause imbalance in the supply of soil nutrients further resulting in
soil degradation and the loss of equilibrium of a stable soil.
Though chemical fertilizers will help plants grow faster; plants will not be
healthy and strong as plants grown in that manner do not have enough
time to mature to develop a good root growth, strong stems, or
nutritious fruits and vegetables. Even they will be less likely to survive
because they will be more susceptible to pests and diseases as they lack
good immune system and enough resistance against thesebody. In reply to this, organic fertilizers will be the right solution without
which gardening and growing healthy and natural food and crops could
be possible.