English, asked by jhliriope, 6 months ago

Uses and accesibility of internet on mobile device essay


Answered by shambhavi12102005121


Over the past decade internet and mobile technology has advanced considerably. In this assignment I will discuss advancements which created the world in which we live today. I will research advancements such as 4G, wireless networks, fiber optics, PayPal, mobile banking, easy access of information which the internet made available; also I will look into social media which transformed the way we interact with each other.

The development of internet is so severe that it funded virtual currency which allows trading virtual currency to real currency, it also funded multiple internet companies who operate solely based on virtual advertising, transfer of funds through the World Wide Web and the development of software to assist themselves and the general public and using internet to the maximum capacity.

Also I will take into consideration the way the business had to adapt in the new environment in order to survive its economic and technological change. I will identify th possible future trends for the businesses and the way they will use internet to their advantage.

During the research for this assignment I have found that the business which failed to adapt and change has been liquidated, which led to the conclusion that internet and mobile technology is the way of the future. I will provide real life examples to vividly illustrate my discovery and to prove that the developments have shifted the course of history and future developments which lies ahead.


Internet ten years ago was not widely accessible throughout the country. Public did not rely on internet with their day to day tasks, there were no such thing as wireless or social media. The lead provider of internet services was Eircom which was a state owned company, it did so through the DSL cables which they had monopoly in. As the country developed leading companies from abroad saw the potential in Ireland and the monopoly which Eircom had. Swedish companies such as UPC have invested significantly over the past decade in technology which increased the quality and the speed of the internet. In the decade they have completely dominated the market with their fiber optic technology.

With the technological advancements in Ireland, other companies have emerged. Ireland was in the fast lane. With the wide market gaps and a tremendous amount of customers other advancements became available such as internet banking, money transfer and unlimited amount of information available to each individual. With increased detachment with the real world, people now seek entertainment in the comfort of their own home.

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