English, asked by jyotsnadevarla, 8 months ago



Answered by yadukrishna07


take it and keep it in your head

Answered by kirandalmia


1.1 Many people around the world die in motorcycle collisions: The module

begins by describing the magnitude of the problem of motorcycle crashes, and

resulting head injuries. It explains the global distribution of the problem, noting

that if present trends continue, many low-income and middle-income countries

are likely to experience an increase in the number of motorcycle crashes in the near

future. The section describes how head injuries that result from motorcycle collisions are a leading cause of death and disability.

1.2 A helmet protects your head: This section describes what can happen to the

head in the event of a motorcycle or bicycle collision. It then goes on to explain

the physical components of a helmet and the way in which they reduce the impact

of a collision. This section also describes how helmets are designed to meet certain


1.3 Helmet use is effective at reducing head injuries: This section summarizes

the evidence from studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of helmets in reducing death and injury.

1.4 Helmet programmes are effective at getting helmets on heads: Introducing legislation on helmet use has been shown to be effective in increasing helmetwearing rates and reducing head injuries, as summarized in this section.

As mentioned in the Introduction, this manual is focused on how to increase helmet

use among motorcycle users. The increasing use of motorized two-wheelers, and the

high speed at which motorcycles can travel compared to bicycles, means that the

primary audience of this manual will be those seeking to increase motorcycle helmet

use. Nonetheless, it is assumed that much of the technical guidance that is provided

in the text will be equally relevant, and can be applied easily, to those seeking to

introduce a helmet programme for bicycle users.

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