Using a concept map, write your own example of benefits of seperation of mixtures.You can use your own context at your home.
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
we get pure substance with no impurities in it.
ex1-seperating small rock from rice we get pure rice.
ex2- separating tea leaves from tea by filtering,
we get pure tea.
ex3-by boiling tap water we get pure water with no impurities.
ex4-seprating salt from rice we get pure rice andpuresalt.
hope it is helpful for you.
Mothers are so hygienic. They always tell us to wash our hands before eating, right? But do you know why? Because your hands may contain germs. We separate the germs from our hands by washing. So let’s study about the purpose of separation of substances so that we can learn about its benefits.
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