Using divisibility test check whether 403282 is divisible by 11 or not?
SOLUTION: divisibility by 11: if the difference between the sum of the digits at odd places and the sum of digits on even places of the number is either 0 or 11 it is divisible by 11
i) 5445
the sum of the odd places 5+4=9
the sum of the even places 4+5=9
since the difference between the sum of the odd places and the sum of even places is 0
it is divisible by 11.
ii) 10824
the sum of the odd places 1+8+4=13
the sum of the even places 0+2=2
since the difference between the sum of the odd places and the sum of even places is 11
it is divisible by 11.
iii) 7138965
the sum of the odd places 7+3+9+5=24
the sum of the even places 1+8+6=15
since the difference between the sum of the odd places and the sum of even places is 19
it is not divisible by 11.
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hope it is helpfull
11 is disibility by 11
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