Math, asked by sayandas1433, 11 months ago

Using divisibility test determine if 50369308 is divisible by 11


Answered by jayalaxmi7774gmail
yes divisive bcoz odd places is 5+3+9+0=17
even places is 0+6+3+8=17
so diff =17-17=0
if 0 so the number is divisible by 11 (as divisibility rule 11)
hope this will help u

jayalaxmi7774gmail: sry this no. is divisible
jayalaxmi7774gmail: bcoz of diff is 0
Answered by gouribmanoj
the alternating sum of digits is 5-0+3-6+9-3+0-8 which is equal to 5-3+6-8 is equal to 2+2 is 4 and 4 is not divisible by 11,therefore 50369308 is also not divisible by 11.
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