Math, asked by ramnivash123456, 6 months ago

using divisibility tests determine which of the following no are divisible by 3,4,&6
a) 582
b) 13560​


Answered by aanya49531





  • divisibility by 3-

sum of the digits=5+8+2


15 is divisible by 3 thus, 582 is divisible by 3.

  • divisibility by 4-

last two digits = 82

82 is not divisible by 4, thus,582 is not divisible by 4.

  • divisibility by 6-

is 582 divisible by 2......yes!

is 582 divisible by 3......yes!

thus, 582 is divisible by 6.


  • divisible by 3

sum of the digits=1+3+5+6+0


  • divisible by 4

last two digits= 60

60 is divisible by 4,thus 13560 is divisible by 4.

  • divisible by 6

is 13560 divisible by 2?.......yes!

is 13560 divisible by 3?......yes!

thus,13560 is divisible by 6.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps....

mark as brainliest..


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